Vintage Posters - New Zealand Collection Launched Today

Good quality prints of vintage posters with New Zealand subjects have not been published until relatively recently. Original examples of NZ vintage posters are now very rare (and being highly collectable they are also frightfully expensive!) because most were sent outside of New Zealand - very few posters were designed for domestic consumption.  After the vintage "Kiwi" Rolling Stones poster we uncovered last year proved popular and following the success of our test series of prints of three advertising posters originally produced by the publicity department of the New Zealand government owned Railways Department (especially Mt Cook for Winter Thrills) - over the last few months New Zealand Fine Prints have been cataloguing a brand new collection of nearly twenty classic NZ tourism and advertising posters that are now available in New Zealand as high quality digital prints for the first time.

Posters are a challenge to artists and designers as they have to combine imagery with text or typography in a harmonious, imaginative and eye-catching way. We like the posters in New Zealand Fine Prints' vintage poster collection so much because although their styles and subjects may be different to one another somehow a collection of vintage advertising posters on the wall always seem to complement each other in such a pleasing way that the overall impact of the art is enhanced beyond the individual pieces. [And this writer is writing from personal experience because he has lots of these posters on the walls at home himself!].

The new range of New Zealand designed posters that have been added to our large collection of vintage posters launched today includes all the best examples of classic advertising posters created by anonymous artists at New Zealand's tourism and publicity department to promote New Zealand's tourist attractions to overseas visitors that we could find. Shown here are a couple of highlights - "Mt Cook, New Zealand" and "Chateau Tongariro".

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